EXEMPT from Legal Recourse: Truth and Consequences
"Intelligence requires secrets. Secrecy is under assault."
View ArticleInjustice for all: Did Eric Holder’s Justice Department blow spy cover story?
NSA whistle-blower Thomas Drake asks the Attorney General, "Do you know the rest of the story?" The question at hand: Was Drake involved in covert civilian collection activities for NSA?
View ArticleUpdate: American Whistleblower Thomas Drake Espionage Charge Dropped
Thomas Drake to take plea deal, agrees to single misdemeanor count for exceeding authorized access to classified NSANet computer system. Read the full story by Josh Gerstein at Politico 7 June 2011...
View ArticleAbout Tom Drake, Former NSA Official
In 2008, Thomas A. Drake, a senior NSA official, was was indicted under the US Espionage Act for whistleblowing on NSA mismanagement. As a result of the indictment, a British psychic intelligence...
View ArticleCIA’s Valerie Plame and Ron Pandolfi: Are UFO extraterrestrial alien...
Did CIA analyst Ron Pandolfi use his friend Dan Smith to deliberately 'leak' internal battles at CIA over Iraq Weapons of Mass Destruction? Son of former presidential adviser revealed controversy in...
View ArticleSpies, Lies and Whistleblowers
Is there an extraterrestrial presence? Are there aliens living among us? Does the government possess advanced alien machines and are they reverse engineering them? And if so, where are the whistleblowers?
View ArticleOpening Obama Gate
The big question on everyone's mind this week is whether or not the explosive revelation of CIA Director David Petraeus' extra-marital affair will evolve into President Barack Obama's version of the...
View ArticleRussia Today asks if “NSA Blackmailing Obama?” during video interview with...
Russia Today's Abby Martin talks to Russell Tice, former intelligence analyst and original NSA whistleblower, about how the recent NSA scandal is only scratches the surface of a massive surveillance...
View ArticleNSA spies on everyone, but is NSA in the psychic spy business?
CIA historian: "There is a DIA Psychic Center and the NSA studies parapsychology, that branch of psychology that deals with the investigation of such psychic phenomena as clairvoyance, extrasensory...
View ArticleNSA ESPionage, whistleblower Tom Drake and Donald Rumsfeld’s psychic spy
New information reveals psychic spy connection to Donald Rumsfeld's Office of the Secretary of Defense. And why was whistle-blower Thomas Drake charged with espionage after working with U.K. psychic...
View ArticleDisclosure Deli: Taste testing N.S.A. acronym soup
It's the hottest disclosure soup of the decade and stirring only makes it hotter.
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